Hi friends!
I hope you all have been enjoying this crazy time of family, food, and FUN! If your holiday has been like mine, the New Year is probably creeping up on you fast and New Year’s resolutions are the furthest thing from your mind! Maybe you are still scrambling to find a sitter for the NYE party as I was a few days ago {my mother-in-law came to our rescue.} Or maybe you gave up on that idea completely and decided to stay home in your PJ’s tomorrow night {a good option I have chosen many-a-time in the last 7 years of motherhood.} Or maybe deciding on the perfect party attire is keeping you as busy as it is me these past few days {priorities, people!} But with it being the start of the week that starts the new year, I decided it was probably a good idea to get serious for a few minutes and write down some of my aspirations for the upcoming year. Because let’s face it: an unwritten resolution is really just a dream, isn’t it? But as soon as you write it down, it becomes a goal that can be worked at and eventually checked off a list {which makes my Type A personality very happy!} So here is my list written out for all to see in hopes that it will inspire you to write your own or at the very least keep me somewhat accountable to work towards achieving mine!
New Year’s Resolutions for Twenty14
1. Start making it a habit of waking up before the kids, so that I can read my Bible, pray, and spend time with my Creator. After all, how can I know that I am following His will for my life and using the gifts He’s given me to further His Kingdom in the way that He wants me to if I don’t diligently pursue Him and study His Word? Surely this will get me mentally and spiritually prepared for the day to be a better mom, wife, and business owner.
2. Find time each day to wholeheartedly focus on my children and play with them even if it just for 15 minutes. This precious time with them is so fleeting… I can’t and I won’t let it pass me by!
3. Keep up with a weekly date night so my husband and I always have an opportunity to reconnect and consistently have fun together.
4. Block out a few hours three days a week (vs. my one day a week I have now) where there will be no distractions so that I can meet my weekly goals for my business.
5. Find organizations I can consistently give to or volunteer for several times throughout the year. We are so blessed and it’s so easy to get caught up in our own lives, that all too often I forget to reach out to others. Not only do I want to truly help others, but I also want to instill this idea into my children’s lives.
6. Continue to work towards cooking and serving meals that completely follow the Dr. Brown Diet, so my family has the best foundation to live a healthy and vibrant life.
7. Last but not least, take time to shower everyday and actually get dressed in the morning so I don’t stay in my pj’s or work out clothes all day. {This one may be a little ambitious, but probably the one my husband would most appreciate!!} =P
Ah it feels good to get that all out in black and white, and it also reminds me just how busy my life is in this season. Oy vey! Let me hear from you all… what is your most important resolution you have for the upcoming year?! (Leave it in the comments here or on FaceBook). Thanks for listening!